My Masters
I am privileged to have learnt under two grand masters who themselves are brothers in martial arts. The late Wing Koi (Peter) Young from China taught me Shaolin Fut Gar Kune (Buddhist Fist) Kung-Fu, while Phillip Kwong from Hong Kong taught me Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi. I learnt from Peter and Phillip in New Zealand.
The pic below is of my Kungfu and Taichi Masters training together. It was taken on 26 August 1995 by Evening Post staff photographer Phil Reid at Crawford Green Park, Miramar, Wellington NZ. Left is Phillip Kwong (Taichi) and right is Wing Koi Young (Kungfu). We all did Taichi together at 7.00am weekday mornings throughout the year at the park. Wing Koi taught me the Traditional Yang Style 24 Taichi form first, then introduced me to Phillip as my "new Taichi master", saying I needed to continue my Taichi learning under him. Philip taught Yang 24 and Yang 108 movement forms. It was quite amazing to feel the energy of them both in the same space.