Shaolin Fut Gar Gung-Fu - Southern China's Answer To Combat Proficiency
Fut Gar, or 'Buddhist Fist Kung-Fu' is a Shaolin-based Gung-Fu system originating in northern China and developed in the south and is rarely taught in the world today. The system has internal-external aspects and includes strikes, parries, kicks, self-defence, defence against weapons, forms, set-sparring, free-style combat, weapons, conditioning, meditation, qi-gong and the development of internal power. Only one club of its kind exists in New Zealand and is run by Sīfu Glen Keith, a disciple of Master Wing Koi Young since 1979. Sīfu Keith teaches the system the same way it was taught to him, with the emphasis on developing a solid foundation, combat proficiency and the pursuit of physical, mental and spiritual health and well-being. Fut Gar is suited to men, women, boys and girls.